25 Apr Sustainability and Climate Change in Primary Schools – PA Conference for School Leaders, Thursday 14 March 2024
Primary Advantage held its first sustainability conference on Thursday 14th March 2024. Over 20 head teachers and curriculum leaders from our 8 PA schools and other schools in Hackney and Greater London gathered to learn more about impactful whole school actions and high quality curriculum resources which can embed sustainability and climate change education into our schools. We were so fortunate to have a host of expert partners sharing their knowledge and resources, including colleagues from the The Ernest Cook Trust, The Harmony Project, The Natural History Museum, The Royal Horticultural Society and UCL’s Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education. Participants reported that they felt inspired by the high quality presentations and discussions with colleagues, and all left committed to taking action.
‘An inspirational morning’
‘It was wonderful to have so many committed teaching professionals in the room who had given up their precious time. The other presenters gave such interesting insights into the possibilities of greening up the primary curriculum with a perfect mix of practical project ideas and the theory that sits behind it all.’
‘The idea of not doing more, but doing differently chimed with me as there is rarely enough time to add extra ‘busy work’. There are a lot of resources out there and I want to use them!’
‘The key message I am taking away is how important it is to help children engage with nature – for their well-being and to help them engage with sustainability issues.’
Primary Advantage schools will be working individually and across the PA Federation to embed sustainability actions and climate change education into our schools. If you would like to collaborate with us or find out more please contact PA Learning, Development and Partnerships on palearning@primaryadvantage.hackney.sch.uk, or 202 7254 1010 (option 5)