29 Oct PA Maths Taster – Free Session
After several successful events we are offering another free PA Maths half day taster session for primary senior leaders, introducing the key concepts and delivery mechanism of the PA Maths Programme.
Designed by highly skilled teachers and mastery specialists, the PA Maths Programme’s core aims are rooted in developing a robust, whole school, sustainable approach to teaching mathematics. The programme is designed to support school leaders to build upon good practice in their schools to ensure teaching is of the highest quality and all children make rapid progress.
The session will both showcase our PA Maths training and be an informal opportunity for SLTs to meet the PA team and see our programme, that is successfully implemented in over 50 schools, nationwide.
Thursday, 28th November 2019 – 1.30pm – 4pm
Holy Trinity CE Primary School
Beechwood Road
E8 3DY
The session is free and booking is through Eventbrite