20 May PA Maths Conference “Supporting Vulnerable Learners” 20 June 2024
Book now for the PA Maths Conference “Supporting Vulnerable Learners: Thursday 20 June 2024, Holy Trinity Primary School, E8 3DY, 9am-3pm:
Book your place here: https://forms.gle/KL6jqxKKv64xPDyT7
One of the most significant challenges for teachers is how to meet the wide range of needs of pupils in a mixed ability class or group. The theme of the PA Maths Conference this year is how to support the pupils who for various reasons including, but not only, SEND, are struggling with maths in the mainstream classroom. How do busy teachers and teaching assistants plan their lessons and use effective strategies and resources so that the gap does not continue to widen for some of these most vulnerable children? What can all teachers learn from high quality approaches in EYFS, such as a consistent and coherent approach to developing a secure number sense, to support pupils in KS1 and KS2 to progress and thrive mathematically?
Sharing experiences and expertise, with input from key presenters, we aim to answer some of these questions and support school leaders, SENDCOs and maths leads to provide the most effective maths provision for all pupils, with a specific focus on those at most risk of under-achieving and with SEND. See more details here.
Audience: Senior leaders, maths leads, SENDCOs and teachers in primary schools.
We welcome all primary school teachers, maths leads and school leaders to join us for day of rich maths CPD. Book your places straight away or contact us for more details on palearning@primaryadvantage.hackney.sch.uk