16 Jun PA Art Exhibition Summer 2022
Children from our 8 Primary Advantage schools have created artwork inspired by science for a summer exhibition at Hackney Central and Dalston CLR James Libraries. Children in all year groups explored a topic in their science curriculum as a springboard to create paintings, sculptures and 3D mobiles.
The exhibition is the culmination of the STEM ‘Enthuse Partnership’ which was awarded to the PA schools in 2021 to develop high quality science teaching and experiences for their children.
Some of the artworks were inspired by workshops delivered in the schools by physicists from Imperial College London, UCL, Cambridge University, led by award winning artist and scientist, Geraldine Cox. Other pupils created artwork with the Natural History Museum London which will later be included in a visitor trail in the wildlife garden at the museum.
The scientists used art to help the pupils to understand complex scientific concepts related to atoms, magnets and the sun. Pupils loved having real scientists in their schools and working creatively with them.
“It was amazing. I loved the art, and the experiment where we saw the insides of magnets”
“ I now know how the sun is a big star and how it works”
Y3 pupils from De Beauvoir Primary School.
The PA Summer Art Exhibition opens from 20 June 2022 until at least the end of term at the following libraries, and ties in with the theme of the Summer Reading Challenge 2022. Please go along and have a look at the work our children have created with their teachers and the guest scientists.
Hackney Central Library: artwork from Morningside, St. John and St. James, Springfield and Gainsborough Primary Schools
Dalston CLR James Library: artwork from Holy Trinity, St. Matthias, De Beauvoir and St. John the Baptist Primary Schools