EYFS Coordinators from all schools in the federation will meet and share best practice. We will evaluate current provision, attainment and progress and measure impact. From this process we will establish key priorities to support the embedding of strategies, improvement and drive towards increased attainment and high quality teaching and provision.
Throughout the year the sessions include creating, innovating and sharing of new information, tools and research. Education leaders from within our Primary Advantage Federation, the local Learning Authority and beyond will visit and share ideas, and support leadership development. Targets and foci for each meeting are established and shared prior to the session. The joint leadership group feed into these sessions when appropriate.
The last session (which is a review session) will focus on the evaluation of information (including data) from this academic year. With this evaluation in mind we will collectively plan training opportunities for next academic year and establish key priorities.
Dates for all sessions will be sent to PA EYFS Co-ordinators.