07 Feb Computer Hub
Teaching & Leading KS2 Computing – Funded 2 Day Course
This two-day professional development course aimed at primary computer leaders is funded and delivered by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) Computer Hub. Broaden your understanding across the whole computing curriculum. Combining a wide range of software applications and multimedia such as video, images and sound, you will be better able to support children in creative and engaging project work across the whole primary curriculum.
Day 1: Wed 26th Feb, 9.30am – 3.30pm
Day 2: Thurs 12th March, 9.30am – 3.30pm
Venue: Holy Trinity Primary School, Beechwood Road, E8 3DY
Cost: The course cost is £70, and there is a bursary of £440 paid by the NCCE for the first teacher from each (publicly-funded) school to attend one of these courses in an academic year. (Please note: If a school has already sent a teacher to any of the primary courses at another venue this academic year, they will not receive the bursary for this course). The bursary is paid on completion of the course.
Please book by Friday 14 February midday:
1) Log on (or sign up) to https://www.stem.org.uk/cpd
2) Then, (whilst logged in) click the link to the course to book places https://www.stem.org.uk/cpd/463805/teaching-and-leading-key-stage-2-computing
3) If any difficulties call the STEM learning helpdesk on 01904 328300.
For more bursary information please see: https://teachcomputing.org/bursary
Contact teachingschools@primaryadvantage.hackney.sch.uk 020 7254 1010 (option 5)