18 Nov Christmas Community Lunch – Saturday 7th December 2019
We warmly invite school families to attend a Community Christmas Lunch on Saturday 7th December 2019. This event was held 6 years ago and was a wonderful day, one which we hope many of you will be able to attend this year. The day provides a Traditional Christmas Meal for school families (immediate family only) to get together to celebrate the holiday season with family, friends, good food and lots of Christmas cheer.
If you would like to attend it will cost £2.00 per person. We have 160 spaces available and tables will be in groups of 6 and a small gift will be presented to all children 14 years and under by a very special guest!
We also have a festive raffle running from 2nd December (tickets can be purchased from the school
office) with prizes including a child’s bike, festive food hamper, cinema tickets and cakes. This year, we will be running this event in partnership with the Holy Trinity Church, whose volunteers, alongside school staff make this a truly festive occasion. Thank you in advance to all volunteers who have come together to make this day a success, including the generous donations for raffle prizes.