03 May Advice and Information from Hackney Learning Trust
The following statement has been sent out to schools by Annie Gammon, Head of Hackney Learning Trust, who has requested that it is shared with our school community.
In light of the recent incident police have asked schools to pass on this advice and information to you. Please ensure your child is reminded of usual safety precautions e.g. not travelling alone later in the evening, letting you know where they are and when they will be home. This is inline with reminders we give our pupils through collective worship and in class discussions. Also for the coming weekend police advise children/young people not to hang around in large groups in public places. There will be an increased police presence around the borough over the coming days to provide reassurance. If you have any concerns please contact your school who will pass on issues. If you are concerned about a specific child or group of young people, or a location where you feel children are unsafe please contact the council’s FIRST ACCESS AND SUPPORT TEAM (02083565500, Out of hours: 02083562710). For urgent concerns about any young person do contact the police. If you prefer to share information anonymously, you can do so online through the Fearless website (www.fearless.org)