03 Oct Train to Teach Event
If you’re interested in becoming a teacher, come along to our next ‘Train to Teach’ event.
If you would like to find out more about the Teacher Training Programmes we run and meet our team in person please come along to one of our Train to Teach events.
The next Train to Teach with Primary Advantage – Meet the Team Event is on 8th October 2019.
At Morningside Primary School, Chatham Place, London, E9 6LL.
Between 2.45pm – 3.30pm and 3.45pm – 4.30pm.
Booking is through Eventbrite. Please use the following link to express your interest – https://train-to-teacher-pa-meet-the-team.eventbrite.co.uk
For any further information about learning to teach with us please email us at teachingschools@primaryadvantage.hackney.sch.uk